the JxD blog

The JusticexDesign Blog shares JxD stories of educator practice, student learning, and research findings.

Looking Critically at Data Design in the Middle School Classroom

Exploring the intersections of data, power, representation, and in/justices

by Riana Fisher & Elise Heil | 4 February 2022

JusticexDesign for research: A critical methodology

Introducing the JusticexDesign framework for critical research practices

by Lynneth Solis & Sarah Sheya | 18 May 2021

JusticexDesign's first two years

Featuring the teachers who participated in JxD's first two years of collaborative inquiry (2019-2021)

Photo cr. Emily Okawara

by Sarah Sheya | 10 May 2021

Making legacy visible through Critical Historical Mending

Looking at Critical Historical Mending, a set of tools for making legacy visible, in middle and high school classrooms

by Jaime Chao Mignano | 10 May 2021

Exploring the complexity of power with 5th grade students

Sharing tools and strategies for exploring power with fifth grade students

by Agnes Gómez | 10 May 2021

Messages, Choices, Impacts: Supporting learners to become sensitive to design choices

Introducing the Messages, Choices, Impacts tool and how an educator uses it with her third and fourth grade students

by Grace Bogosian | 10 May 2021